Finding Your Dream

Do you dream of what you would like to do with the rest of your life? I’m reading Finding Your Dream by Jane Rubietta, and it’s gotten me to thinking. Am I living my dream? Do I still have a dream? Or have I given up on dreaming?

img_20161011_161615042Years ago, I dreamed of writing exciting romantic suspense novels with Christian heroes and heroines. Of exploring how their choices might differ in challenging circumstances. Of readers loving my novels so much that they couldn’t wait for the next one to come out.

I even cross-stitched a prayer that hangs on the wall near my writing desk. As you can see, it’s from the Precious Moments collection, but I changed it slightly from help with bills that are owed to help with writing manuscripts and finding editors who would say yes. Do you see the girl holding one “dear editor” paper and another marked “mss” (manuscripts).

I dreamed of one day receiving the Write-to-Publish “Writer of the Year” award. It seemed impossible. Yet the Lord surprised me on June 10 2016-wtp-writer-of-the-year-awardthis year at the Write-to-Publish banquet. That plaque also hangs on the wall near my writing desk.

Yet today, though I’m close to finishing that next novel (and I love it), I wonder If I’m still dreaming, or if I’m too scared or too busy to dream. Am I a one-book-wonder? Or will the Lord enable me to create yet another novel that will excite readers as much as the first.

In the meantime, I keep writing and praying, hoping to offer something of value to you, and hoping to sustain the dream.

Do you have a dream? Are you living that dream? Or have you simply given up on dreaming?


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