Don’t Quit!

Only a month after our wedding, Jim and I faced each other in the living room of our tiny apartment. Sadly, we admitted we’d made the biggest mistake of our lives.

How could it be, when we had started out loving each other so very much?

I swallowed hard and looked to my strong, handsome husband. “What do we do now?”

He thought for a moment, and then quietly delivered his conviction. “We stick it out.”

God must have been proud of us for making our momentous decision. I know, years later, we remained glad we did. Yes, we faced struggles and disagreements through our 47 years of marriage, but we also enjoyed the rewards of choosing to love. Of learning to be patient, kind, and forgiving–no small fete! Of growing deeper in love while wrestling with every challenge that came our way.

Our family also grew–two sons, five grandchildren, and one great-grandchild who are very dear to us. We experienced the love and fun and kindness of extended family on both sides. What a rich, full life we would’ve forfeited if we had decided to quit, rather than “stick it out.”

God says, “Love never fails.” ~ I Corinthians 13:8 (The Holy Bible, New International Version, Zondervan Publishing House, 1984). Meaning, love chooses not to end.

Your Turn: Please share your own particular circumstances where you’ve been glad you chose not to quit.


    The Conversation

  1. Good morning Beth! When I’d first become a Christian, I ran into some critical Christians who judged me for not “measuring up” to their standards of what they thought I should be. I’m grateful that I kept my eyes on God. I never judged Him because of the wrong attitudes or expectations of fellow Christians. That allowed me the freedom to forgive and to grow, as well as work with imperfect Christians – of which I fit the bill for that! Imperfect and immature – we all need one another. And we need not pick on Him, the maker and lover of our souls! 🙂

    • Wise words, Susan. Thank you for sharing those thoughts. It’s all to easy for any of us to fall into judging others, but our loving lord God shows us the better way when He says to “judge not.” And experience teaches us, we all need understanding and the time and space in which to grow into our better selves. Again, thanks for your words of wisdom.

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