A Father’s Day Mystery …

Father’s Day is only two days away, and it first occurred to me today that I never considered the pain Jill might have experienced on that day each year. The heroine in my novel series longed to know her birth father–even made up stories about him in her head–but she didn’t know his name or anything about him.

What was it like for her when she saw other little girls with their fathers? Or Father’s Day rolled around? I know how deeply she felt when she met her father in the pages of Her Deadly Reunion. But not much in the years before. It’s a Father’s Day mystery …

Would you fill in this blank place in Jill’s life for me? Venture a guess? Share an experience?

1 Comment

    The Conversation

  1. Lois Wiederhoeft says:

    One of the few times I did not like going to church was on Father’s day. The more they extolled the qualities of a good father, the more tears rolled down my face, realizing I never knew that kind of ‘Daddy’. I wish i had never heard what I heard.

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