Hope for the Future

Snow fell gently out of the evening sky as Jim and I walked up the steps with his family. Inside the chapel, fragrant pine garlands and lighted candles inspired a quiet reverence while we settled in the pew to await the Christmas Eve service.

I glanced at Jim, smiling shyly at my husband of two-and-a -half months. My heart filled with love for him and the child I carried beneath my heart–our first child, God’s promise of hope for our future.

No one but Jim, the doctor, and I knew. After all, our baby wasn’t due for another six-and-a-half months. But I will never forget how totally wrapped in God’s love I felt that special Christmas Eve. I couldn’t help wondering if that was how Mary felt on that first Christmas Eve as she carried Jesus beneath her heart.

Jesus–God’s promise of hope for our future. Out of his great love for us, he came willingly to earth to die on the cross in our place and pay the penalty for our sins. He came so that we might have hope for a good future.

No wonder then, that no matter what we face is this life, we can refuse to be discouraged. Instead, we can lift up our hearts and look to Jesus, the Source of our hope for a good future.

Focus: “I pray that God who gives you hope will keep you happy and full of peace as you believe in him. May you overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit” ~Romans 15:13, The Living Bible.

How about you? What fills you with hope? What keeps you happy and full of peace? Have you yet found the ultimate Source of hope for a good future?



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