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  • Be Patient and Win!

    Beth Ann Ziarnik @bethannziarnik Be patient and win! Whew! Be patient? Not always easy. Frustration is part--thank goodness, only part--of every writer's life. What am I saying? It's part of life period! So, if that's where you find yourself today,  as I did back in 2010, may this devotional piece I wrote then encourage your heart. Be Patient and Win! Are you going to quit? Startled, I realized the Lord had been listening to my… Read More

  • Living in Daily Love

    Living in daily love (1 Corinthians 13) is one of my top goals in life. So it's no surprise that one of my favorite things to do is tune in to Curt Landry's "Power Points." His 30 second online teaching sessions help to keep me centered in my daily walk with our Lord Jesus. His perspective as a Messianic Jew adds such  a wonderful element, and he ends his nuggets of truth from God's Word… Read More

  • Falling in Love

    Here's a question for you: Is there such a thing as falling in love with someone after only knowing him or her a short time? If the stories in our family are any evidence--then I'd say yes. Mom and Dad: My dad first laid eyes on my beautiful mom at the Cinderella Ballroom in Appleton in 1942. He asked her to dance and, while they were dancing, told her that he was going to marry… Read More

  • Memorial Day Memories

    While I was growing up in Kaukauna, Memorial Day was always a special event. Early in the morning, my father--a WWII veteran--left the house in his American Legion blues with his bugle tucked under his arm. While the rest of the city prepared for the big parade, Dad and a few other vets made their faithful rounds at the cemeteries. Once they had marked each U.S. serviceman's grave with a small flag and delivered a… Read More