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  • Getting Out the Garbage

    I headed out for my usual early morning exercise--a brisk walk to the lake, around the neighborhood loop, and back again. As I passed by, a neighbor emerged from her garage. We waved to greet one another before she grabbed a large plastic container to haul to the end of her driveway. Yikes, garbage day! I made a mental note to  put our garbage out as soon as I finished my walk. We sure didn't… Read More

  • Sowing Generosity Reaps Rewards

    One year a farmer brought in such an overflow of crops that his barn could not hold them. He sat down to think about his problem, and a while later jumped up in his excitement. "I know! I'll build new and bigger barns. I'll be set for years to come!" But God said, "You fool! This very night you will die. Then who will get all this that you are hording for yourself?" Even if… Read More

  • Please Press the Prayer Button

    I was so sick when I arrived at the doctor's office that he sent me straight to the hospital. After a nurse settled me in bed, she showed me how to summon help. "Just push this button," she said, indicating a palm-sized mechanism with a white button on one end. An hour later, the room began to spin, slowly at first, but then rapidly picking up speed.  I didn't realize that my temperature was spiking.… Read More

  • Satisfied with Life?

    What if God invited you to ask him for whatever you want and he would give it to you? What would you say? Young King Solomon of Israel knew what to say. He asked for wisdom to govern. This pleased God so much that he also gave the young man riches and honor (1 Kings 3:1-14, New Living Translation). Sure enough, Solomon's wisdom brought him fame. As a powerful politician, he lived at peace with… Read More